
Monday, March 31, 2014

Iam not a blogger without my children

My girl are currently ages three years and five months.When I write about her, I feel very original. It's more like she give me brilliant stuff to work with. I talk to her about my 'stories' and call my writing is my ‘work.’
What I write are concerns her, I ask for my daughter's permission to write what she says or does and to show pictures of her. I show her my posts and of course She doesn't have a clue what it all means ( lol ), but one thing, She is very excited see herself in the images on the computer. ( narsis kalo kata si mbah ).

I tell her that if ever she doesn't feel happy or proud to have her words and pictures used, I won't use them.
I tell her I write about her because I think she is funny and smart, because it makes me happy to share and makes other people happy to read about and see her.
I hope not to embarrass my Saka with my writing. Most people, these days, share photos and anecdotes about their kids through social media. being 'Mommy Blogger' is common.

I hope that keeping my girl involved in my writing about her will keep me on a positive track and still leave me room to produce honest and humorous about mothering.
I hope she stay open to letting me share things about her as she get older. I'm not sure I'd be blogger without her.

1 April 2014

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